About Canton - Contact Us
There are four ways to contact the City of Canton:
1. Via Telephone
Click here to see the City of Canton department directory.
If you don't know who you need to speak with, please call the Office of the Mayor at (330) 489-3283 to reach the automated attendant. If you are still not sure where you need to go, press zero for an operator.
2. In Person
The City of Canton offices are spread throughout the city in a number of public facilities. To ensure you are at the right building, visit the home page of the department you wish to visit. Their address will be located in the "Contact Us" section on the right side of the screen.
City offices are housed in the following buildings:
- Canton City Hall (downtown) - 218 Cleveland Avenue S.W. (Map)
- Sears Building (downtown) - 420-424 Market Avenue N. (Map)
- Utility Billing - 306 2nd St S.E. (Map)
- City Service Center - 2436 30th Street N.E. (Map)
- Water Reclamation Facility - 3530 Central Avenue S.E. (Map)
3. Via E-mail
The City of Canton utilizes a standard naming protocol for all city employees with e-mail addresses. Therefore, if you know the name of the employee you wish to reach, simply e-mail them at "Firstname.Lastname@cantonohio.gov" - if you do not know the employee you wish to reach, or are not sure of the spelling of their name, we encourage you to use another contact method.
Most of the City's departments that are represented on this web site also have an email address listed in their department specific navigation bar, that email address goes to key personnel in that department.
4. Via Postal Mail
To contact the City of Canton via postal mail, please address all correspondence to:
City of Canton
P.O. Box 24218
Canton, OH 44701
To contact the City of Canton regarding issues with the content that appears on this Web site, please e-mail the CantonOhio.gov webmaster email account.